July 7, 2016, was a frightening day for many concealed-carry permit holders. That was the day Minnesota police officers pulled over Philando Castile, allegedly for a broken taillight—and ended up fatally shooting the 32-year-old man. Castile had a concealed-carry permit, was carrying at the time, and was shot as he reached for the ID an officer had ordered him to show.
Arizona allows citizens 21 and older to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. In an effort to prevent tragedies such as the one in Minnesota from happening in the Grand Canyon State, Arizona State Democratic Rep. Reginald Bolding Jr. sought changes to the state’s driver’s manual to include information on what armed citizens should do when stopped by the police.
According to an AP report in U.S. News & World Report, Bolding claims, “The goal was to create a set of standards” and that the changes to the driver manual were possible without the need for passing another law.
The Arizona Driver License Manual now advises “drivers with firearms in the vehicle should keep your hands on the steering wheel in a visible location and when the officer approaches let them [sic] know that you have a firearm in the vehicle and where the firearm is located. If requested, the officer may take possession of the weapon, for safety reasons, until the contact is complete.” —By Warren Berg, Contributor, U.S. & Texas LawShield® Blog
Should more states advise armed drivers on how to act during a traffic stop? Let us hear your thoughts in the comments section below.
To learn more about how to safely negotiate traffic stops as a concealed-carry driver, we invite Members and guests to attend events presented by experienced attorneys. To stay on the right side of the law, please attend a seminar or workshop and ask specific questions to ensure you understand the law and what you need to do to stay out of a legal misunderstanding. Click Gun Law Seminar to find events near you.Also, to see a playlist of videos on what to do during a traffic stop in various states, click here.
The post Arizona: Advice for Concealed Carriers if Stopped In Car by Police appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.