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11 Run… Hide… Fight! When Law Enforcement Arrives, Legal Advice

Kirk Evans, president of Texas and U.S. Law Shield:

Here with some additional tips on how to deal with law enforcement from the legal perspective, is Michele Byington.

Michele Byington, Texas Law Shield Firearms Program Attorney

So from a legal perspective, what do you do when the police arrive?

Well, number one, you probably just went through the most traumatic event that you will ever experience in your life. Do you think that you are in any sort of state of mind to give a detailed answer of what happened around you? The answer is, probably not.

So don’t hesitate when the police arrive. Of course, follow Trent’s instructions to have nothing in your hands, to be nonthreatening, comply with any sort of demands, but remember that if you say something that perhaps does not add up with exactly what the physical evidence shows, they may be raising an eyebrow at you and wondering “Was this guy a part of it?”

So, my advice to you, is talk to your lawyer. Get some time to calm down. Again you’re going to be traumatized, get some time to calm down. You’re probably not going to be able to spell your own last name after something like this happens. Take a moment, breathe, speak to your lawyer, then go from there.

Kirk Evans, president of Texas and U.S. Law Shield:

From Columbine to Sandy Hook, from Virginia Tech to the Navy Shipyards, and from Orlando to San Bernardino, the phrase ‘Active Shooter’ has become all too common. On behalf of Texas and U.S. Law Shield, I hope that we have provided you some insight that can help you through one of these tragic situations. For more information on our Active Shooter series or how to join the more than 200,000 law-abiding gunowners we protect, visit or Thank you.

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